Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels
The UAE delegation participated in the first Nuclear Energy Summit held in Brussels, Belgium on Thursday. The summit was organised by the Belgian government and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, led the country's delegation.
The summit aimed to bring together heads of nuclear energy companies and policymakers from countries around the world. It provided an opportunity for participants to discuss key issues relating to the development of peaceful nuclear energy. Countries could share their experiences and best practices in areas like regulating nuclear safety standards.
While at the summit, the UAE delegation highlighted the country's efforts to develop a sustainable nuclear energy program. The program aims to diversify the UAE's energy sources and meet the growing demand for electricity. It will see the country operate up to 25% of its electricity needs from nuclear power by 2050. The delegation underlined the stringent safety and nonproliferation standards the UAE program adheres to.
The first Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels was an important discussion forum on one of the key issues impacting global energy supplies. It allowed decision makers from different nations to network and explore potential areas of cooperation in the growth of civilian nuclear power. This aligns with the UAE's objective of advancing international cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear technology.
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