UAE Pioneering Efforts in Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a global leader in the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking According to Brigadier General Saeed Abdullah Al Suwaidi Director General of the Federal Anti Narcotics General Directorate at the Ministry of Interior the UAE National Anti Narcotics Charter and its integrated system of partners and relevant entities under the UAE Anti Narcotic Council have been instrumental in this endeavor. The UAE commitment to drug control is evident in its various initiatives and programs The Siraj National Anti Drug Programme for instance has contributed to creating safer communities Additionally the Mukafih service which offers confidential consultations via a toll free number empowers parents to detect drug use and early addiction cases within their families. The UAE success in curbing drug smuggling and trafficking is attributed to its capable and qualified system as well as its regional and international cooperation with counterpa...